Tag "Shira Choir"
Back to homepageMoishy Guitar – Shefa | TYHnation [Official Lyric Video]
Purim is a time of giving – this year let’s look up and ask Hashem for a little Shaloch Manos, we all need it! TYH Nation teamed up with Moshe Guitar; a big voice and an even bigger Neshoma, with
Read MoreNOW PLAYING: Shimi Spitz – Ana Melech – Produced by Yitzy Waldner
“I’m not the next big singer, and I’m not looking to take the Jewish music world by storm.” So you might be wondering who Shimi is and why he is releasing this new song. I’ll let him answer you in
Read MoreYidi Bialostozky & Levi Lesin Present To You “A Must Watch!”
A live wedding dance video with a full musical production arranged by Levi, featuring the famous Shira Choir led by Yoely Horowitz. This video was recorded at a recent wedding with a unique cinematic approach by Ari Levy of Studio
Pearlman Production Presents SIMCHA BEISH HASHOEIVA CHASSIDISHE FARBRENG MORDECHAI BEN DAVID SHMUELI UNGAR YANKY DASKAL Mendy Hershkowitz with SABABA Shira Choir Monday Night – Chol Hamoed Succos Men Only! Fallsburg, New York Order Tickets: pearlmanproductions.com Come and enjoy a cell
Read MoreIssac Honig, Israel Adler, Shira Choir & Orot Orchestra Conducted By Shia Barim In A New “Hadran” In Honor Daf Yomi Siyum For Maseches Shabbos
Issac Honig, Yisrael Adler, the Shira choir, and Orot band with master Orchestrator Shea Brim present a new Hadran for the Siyum of Maseches Shabbos in the Daf Hayomi program. With the dazzling production of Effect events, an evening was
Read MoreBenny Friedman feat. Dovy Meisels – Ich Bin Datz
As the month of Elul approaches and the winds of Teshuva start to blow, we present to you a beautiful song describing the intense oneness that exists between us and our Creator. Ani Ledodi VeDodi Li. I am Yours and
Read More“Swing Set” Baruch Levine, Simcha Leiner, Shira & The Yochi Briskman Orchestra
Enjoy this “Swing Set” of classic Jewish music hits with Baruch Levine, Simcha Leiner, and the Shira Choir featuring the Yochi Briskman Orchestra. Uniquely arranged Big Band Style! Recorded live at the Hertz-Levin wedding 3/8/20 at the Legacy Castle. Produced
Read MoreWonder-child Mayer Rosinger In His Debut Video “Groishen In Himmel”
Introducing, new wonder-child singing sensation Meir Rosinger in his debut video. He is the brother of the popular vocalist, Yitzy Rosinger. The song Groishen In Himmel (aka. Me Keamcha Yisroel) originally recorded by Mordechai Ben David on his Tomid Besimcha
Read MoreAhrele Samet & Yiddish Nachas – Dirshu “Loi Lanu”
Ahrele Samet and Yiddish Nachas performed an impressive medley at the massive Dirshu Siyum Ha’Shas. The medley features the songs Loi Lanu from Samet‘s recent album, and Davenen from the Yingerlich. Moishy Roth wrote and arranged the tremendous medley, together
Read More“One Hundred Thousand People Unite In Dance In Honor Of The Torah”
In a special video that was released on the eve of Shavuot the time when we celebrate receiving the Torah, we see the closing dancing at the recent Dirshu Siyum Hashas which was held in Israel, London, Manchester, Paris, and
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