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Tag "Shlomo Carlebach"

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Join us for an unforgettable weekend of concerts, Jewish spirituality, Shabbaton, meals and learning commemorating the 16th Yahrzeit of Reb Shlomo. Let’s bring more light, joy and meaning into our lives by opening our hearts! Join an eclectic group of

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Third Annual Carlebach Kumzitz W/ Shua Kessin! Special Guest Moshe Hecht

Next Motzoei Shabbos, November 12, Child Life Society will proudly present Jewish music sensation Shua Kessin with special guest Moshe Hecht and the renowned M’zamrim choir, led by Chilu Posen, with music by S&S productions in a special kumzitz commemorating

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[The Jewish Star] Kosher Bookworm: Reb Shlomo’s Torah legacy

By Alan Jay Gerber Rabbi Shlomo of Kartin said: “If you want to raise a man from mud and filth, do not think it is enough to keep standing on top and reaching down to him a helping hand. You

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[Exclusive] The Best of Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach

The Best of Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach is a compilation created by Tav Hashmini (The Eighth Note) for release in Israel. Sojourn Records, a NYC-based record label with the exclusive license from the Estate of Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach, partnered with the

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Promo for Eitan Katz: Unplugged 2

A brand new CD from Eitan Katz has been released. Eitan Katz Unplugged Volume 2 is the next volume in the series covering the deep and inspiring music of R’ Shlomo Carlebach z”l. This short clip gives you a closer

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[Music] Eitan Katz Unplugged 2 – Exclusive Audio Sampler

Eitan Katz is releasing an ALL NEW Unplugged CD featuring more nigunim from R’ Shlomo Carlebach. Some of the nigunim are ones which are known but not sung enough, with a few nigunim which have never been recorded before. The

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Chai Lifeline Canada presents: Sing For The Children starring Marvin Hamlisch, Yaakov Motzen, Moshe Schulhof & Alex Stein

Chai Lifeline Canada presents Sing For The Children starring MARVIN HAMLISCH featuring Yaakov Motzen, Moshe Schulhof & Alex Stein With Special Guest Star Cantor Zevi Muller and a special Tribute to the Music of Shlomo Carlebach Monday April 4th, 2011

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HASC 24: A Time For Duets Review & Photos

written by Yossi Zweig Photos courtesy of Stan Weiss Last night was the 24th Annual HASC: A Time For Music concert, entitled A Time For Duets. This was one of the most hyped up concert in years. Not only were

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Yehuda Katz –”Hodu”

Yehuda Katz, acclaimed musician and undisputed leader of the legendary Jewish rock band “Reva Lesheva”, stopped everything four years ago and made a complete switch. Katz and his band performed world-wide, produced albums and created quality Jewish music that gained

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Yisroel Juskowicz- The Narrow Bridge

A note from Yisroel: I am proud to release my first Jewish Music CD “The Narrow Bridge.” This was two years in the making, and was a collaborative effort with master guitarist C Lanzbom of Soul Farm. It also features

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