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Tag "Shlomo Gronich"

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Keli Ata V’oidecha – Amiran Dvir & Shlomo Gronich

Two voices tied together and four hands racing over the piano keys in unison, Shlomo Gronich and Amiran Dvir are splitting the gates of heaven with a song of thanks to Hashem. The song is to the words of Hallel,

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Gad Elbaz, One Of The Top Jewish Musicians Right Now, Is Releasing A New Single “Shalom Adon Olam”

During this health crisis, Gad Elbaz has been non-stop, performing on every possible stage and platform in Israel and abroad, both physical and digital. Gad is the youngest artist to fill Caesarea’s Amphitheater. He has also performed in Times Square

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Kachomer Biyedei Ha’Yotzer: Natan Goshen From The Tefillos of Yom Kippur

No one anticipated to hear new material from Natan Goshen after he released his fourth album last spring, but now we get to hear his latest song, called Kachomer Biyedei Ha’Yotzer, the Chabad niggun from the Tefillos of Yom Kippur.

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