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Tag "Yaakov Rotblat"

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“Es Lachshi” Performed by Y. M. Schweid, An A Berko Production

Es Lachshi Produced by Avrumi Berko Composed by Sruly Weiss Sung by Yisroel Meir Schweid Child soloist Shulem Saal Shir V’shevach Boys Choir conducted by Chaim Meir Fligman Men’s Choir: Michoel Weinberger, Yossi Weinberger, Shea Steiner, Gil Yiraelav, Yaakov Rotblat

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Simcha Leiner + Krohma Music “Top-of-the-Charts”

Hey Chevra! Well, it probably doesn’t get any better than this. The dynamic combination of “Top-of-the-Charts” Vocalist Simcha Leiner together with the unparalleled, innovative and thrilling backing of KROHMA, result in these cutting-edge, soul-stirring performances. Get with it! Credits: Dovid

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Sruli Twerski Debut Album V’kabtzeinu Yachad [Audio Preview]

Sruli Twerski was born, not only with the gift of musical ability, but with the passion to inspire the melodies he sings. Sruli grew up surrounded by music, and although he learned the art of song from many talented instructors,

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Amiran Dvir Releases New Single “Node Lecha”

Traditionally with the opening of summer season and events worldwide, Amiran Dvir releases a happy and bouncy new single to the which is sure to make you run to the nearest dance floor. One of the surprising innovations of this

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Yoely Dickman & Shloime Cohen Return with “Kol Chai”

In honor of Lag B’omer and Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai radio Kol Chai released a hit song that will accompany the broadcasts on Lag B’Omer. Yoely Dickman the very gifted composer, arranger and conductor worked very hard on this song.

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