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Tag "Yehuda David"

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The Shira Chadasha Boys Choir Presents “Yiboneh”

Rabbi Nachman Seltzer‘s Shira Chadasha Boy‘s Choir presents a new song from their long-awaited upcoming 5th album. The song is called “Yiboneh“. Conducted by Nachman Seltzer Arranged by Yehuda David of Durango Studios, Ramat Beit Shemesh Composed by Yehuda David

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Sheves Achim 2: Cover and Pre Order Now!

Sheves Achim is set to release the sequel to their smash hit debut album. This new album features the matured voices of Shimon and Moshe Bell, singing songs composed by Ari Goldwag, Elimelech Blumstein, Yehuda David, and Dovid Klaver, as

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Sheves Achim 2

Sheves Achim is set to release the sequel to their smash hit debut album. This new album features the matured voices of Shimon and Moshe Bell, singing songs composed by Ari Goldwag, Elimelech Blumstein, Yehuda David, and Dovid Klaver, as

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