Tag "Yisrael Adler"
Back to homepage“Nagina Voch” Choir & Yisrael Adler In The Second Episode of The Series “Viyitain Licha”
The Negina choir, together with Yisrael Adler, continue with the second episode of the three-part series for Mozei Shabbos“Negina Voch”. It is a series of live performances on stage with the best songs for Motzei Shabbos. Conducted and orchestrated by
Read More“Nagina Vuch”, Negina Choir & Yisrael Adler Launch Series with “Hamavdil”
The Negina Choir, together with Israel Adler, are launching a new three-episode series for Motzei Shabbat “Negina Voch” a series of live performances on stage with the best songs for Motzei Shabbat. Conducted and orchestrated by David Fink from Belgium.
Read MoreChief Chazzan Chaim Adler & His Son Yisrael Adler Plead “Rachmeinu Tatte”!
A heartrending duet of father and son entreating together in these Yamim Noraim: “Im K’vanim Rachmeinu, Tatte, K’rachem Av Al Banim.” The cantors’ song is based on the well-known prayer, “Hayom Haras Oilam,” that is recited after shofar-blowing during malchiyos,
Read MoreIssac Honig, Israel Adler, Shira Choir & Orot Orchestra Conducted By Shia Barim In A New “Hadran” In Honor Daf Yomi Siyum For Maseches Shabbos
Issac Honig, Yisrael Adler, the Shira choir, and Orot band with master Orchestrator Shea Brim present a new Hadran for the Siyum of Maseches Shabbos in the Daf Hayomi program. With the dazzling production of Effect events, an evening was
Read More” B’Hisaseif Roshei Am” The Monumental Work Of The Legendary Conductor R. Moshe Mordechai Mona Rosenblum
B’Hisaseif Roshei Am is Mona Rosenblum‘s monumental creation for the 13th Dirshu Siyum Hashas. The words were taken from the speech given by the Imrei Emes at the Vienna convention in Elul 5683, where the original call for the Daf
Read MoreChazan Chaim Adler & Son Yisrael Adler – Geit a Yid
Powerful father-and-son duet A surprise awaited the guests of the exclusive Yeshivas Mir Dinner at Avenue Congress hall in Airport city this June. In the middle of the superb musical production conducted by the famed and talented singer Yisrael Adler,
Read MoreWhen Big Names Came Together To Create A Green’s Melody… Enjoy The Result!
Ki Hamitzvah, the touching composition of Yossi Green which was originally performed by Avraham Fried, was recently graced with a brand new performance. Yisrael Adler, the Vizhnitz Choir, and the children of Kol Hanearim, and the Fire band conducted by
Read MoreHazits Hagadol [Videos + Gallery]
Binyanei HaUma in Jerusalem was packed last Wednesday night with over three thousand people that came to celebrate for a simchas beis hashoeva with Shmueli Ungar visiting from the USA. Ungar was accompanied by Hamenganim Orchestra and the Baalei Hamenagnim
Read MoreLike You’ve Never Seen! Megilla Reading By Yisrael Adler & The Malchus choir
Here is a performance by the Malchus choir at a Simcha in Switzerland that will absolutely amaze you, led by R’ Yisrael Adler.
Following the Prime Minister’s keynote speech at last week’s Sheva Brachot celebration of MKAryeh Deri’s daughter, Yisrael Adler, renowned singer and talented grammer (lyricist), appeared on stage together with Yehuda Glili’s orchestra. Adler stunned the audience when he repeated the
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