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Tag "Yisroel Juskowitz"

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Yisroel Juskowitz: Fixing The World

For some people Tikun Olam, the notion of making the world a better place, is an abstract concept that might enter their thoughts occasionally, but for Yisroel Juskowitz, Tikun Olam is both a way of life and the theme of

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Yisroel Juskowitz Releases “Nachamu Ami” Debut Single from Upcoming Album

Yisroel Juskowitz has just released his debut single from his 2nd all new album. The song, Nachamu Ami composed on Shabbos Nachamu of 2005, right after the disengagement. Yisroel says “It was really sad seeing Jews ripped from their home,

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Yisroel Juskowitz and Band! to benefit THE LIFT OF LIFE FOUNDATION

SUNDAY MARCH 10TH AT 8:00 PM Concert featuring the magical music of Yisroel Juskowitz and Band! to benefit THE LIFT OF LIFE FOUNDATION A wonderful organization to help children and families who were the victims of tragedy HOT BUFFET DINNER

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Unleash Your Potential Concert! – Featuring Yisroel Juskowitz and Hillel Kapnick

Come for an extraordinary night of food, music, inspiration and fun! Featuring Yisroel Juskowitz and Hillel Kapnick! SPECIAL ADDITIONAL PROGRAM FOR SINGLES! Learn the skills for how to get the most out of life. Sunday Feb 10th at 7:00 PM

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Chanuka Concert featuring Yisroel Juskowitz and Hillel Kapnick

Congregation Ohel Abraham in Staten Island will be presenting a Chanuka Concert on Sunday December 9th featuring Comedian Jordon Ferber and Singer/Musicians Yisroel Juskowitz and Hillel Kapnick.The concert will start at 6PM. Yisroel Juskowitz is best known for his album

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Motzai Shabbos Carlebach Concert

In memory of his Yartzheit last week on the 16th of Cheshvon (November 1st), Famed performer Yisroel Juskowitz along with Hillel Kapnick will be performing the compositions of legendary composer R’ Shlomo Carlebach. Yisroel is best known for his inspiring

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JM in the AM’s Live 2012 CD

Back in March Nachum Segal held his annual fundraiser for JM in the AM which airs daily from 6am-9am on WFMU. Various gifts were sent to people who sent it donations. For a donation of $90 or more, the givers

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Yisroel Juskowitz Releases Music Video “Shir Hamalos”

This is Yisroel’s first music video off his debut album “The Narrow Bridge” which features C Lanzbom Eitan Katz, Nochi Krohn, and Yoshi Fruchter. The Narrow Bridge contains 8 of Yisroel’s original songs, and 4 other songs, including an absolute

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