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Tag "Yoel Friedrich"

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United: Exciting New Song Released in Honor of Upcoming Parnassah Expo”

A group of highly talented Jewish singers jointly released a new “United” song, which was composed and released exclusively in honor of the upcoming 2014 Parnassah Expo, to be held on March 25th and 26th. United‘s distinctly upbeat tune and

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Kolos Im Zemiros – Zemiros Im Kolos Album Promo

Renowned for their cutting edge arrangements, breathtakingly beautiful harmonies and unique, polished sound that is nothing short of outstanding, the Zemiros Choir, led by Yoel Polatseck, has fast become one of the most sought after choirs in the Jewish music

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[EXCLUSIVE] Ve’yiyu Rachamecho – Eli Beer MUSIC VIDEO

Singing sensation Eli Beer continues to captivate listeners with his heartfelt compositions and stirring voice that is laden with both warmth and emotion. His unique style defies description with music that draws listeners in and reaches to the depths of

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