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Tag "Yossi Schwartz"

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Chazzan Shmuel Barzilai Sings Martin Widerker: “Yehi Hachodesh”

Meir Martin Widerker presents: “Yehi Hachodesh” performed by Shmuel Barzilai and arranged by Menachem Bristowski Composer Meir Martin Widerker introduces you to the Rosh Chodesh atmosphere and presents the tenth track from his fifth album in the ‘Shabbat HaMalka’ album

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Meir Martin Widerker Presents: “Seu Shearim” Featuring Yossi Schwartz

Composer Meir Martin Widerker prepares for the month of Nissan and Passover, and presents the second track from his fifth album in the ‘Shabbat Hamalka‘ series, this time hosting cantor and singer Yossi Schwartz for a surprising performance In the

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MUSIC: Yizkor I Yossi Schwartz

Chazzan Yossi Schwartz is releasing a special performance of the tefilla of Kel Malei Rachamim composed by Arik Rudik in honor of Yom Hazikaron tonight. The song was accompanied by pianist Ahreleh Nachshoni who also musically produced the project.

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Yossi Schwartz Presents: Unetana Tokef

The famous piece ‘Unetana Tokef’ with a new spin on it performed by the Cantor and maestro Yossi Schwartz, accompanied by pianist Aharale Nachshoni. Cantor Yossi Schwartz with a special performance of ‘Unetana Tokef‘, just a few months after the

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“Tenor Thu The Years” When Yossele Rosenblatt & Leonard Cohen Meet On Stage

In the cultural center in Kiryat Motzkin there was a concert, the first of its kind, called “Tenor Bishnayim“. The concert was a performance by the two great tenors in Jewish music, Chazzan Yitzchak Meir Helfgott and singer Ohad Moskowitz.

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Ribono Shel Olam I Cantor Yossi Schwartz

Here is a live performance of the song Ribono Shel Olam, composed by Moshe Mona Rosenblum from a major Chazzanus concert. The song was performed by Yossi Schwartz. Eli Yaffeh conducted the orchestra for the performance.

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