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Tag "Zanvil"

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Shimmy Sklar, Zanvil Weinberger & Neranena In The Performance of The Masterpiece “Mo Oshiv”

Shimmy Sklar, Zanvil, and the Neranena Choir performed at a fancy Bar Mitzvah recently, where they performed the classic Vizhnitzer Mo Oshiv from R’ Mendel Pollack.

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“Teka Beshofar” Zanvil Weinberger, Malchus Choir & Yoely Dikman

In anticipation of the upcoming Yomim Noraim, Zanvil, Malchus Choir, and Yoely Dikman‘s orchestra are performing the legendary composition of Teka Beshofar from Yossi Green, originally performed by Avraham Fried. This performance also included Shofar blowers at the major dinner

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