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The get a facelift 0

Have you seen the revamps done to The Knish? No? Well what are you waiting for? Oh, a new issue, duh, we should’ve figured that. Well hey, typical gestation periods are about nine months, so we were really just a

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Lechaim Tisch 4 – Sampler 0

Lechaim! Grab a drink and come celebrate the 4th installment to the Lechaim Tisch series. Moe of what you have come to love and appreciate. Created by the master Horav Yosef Moshe Kahane featuring ; Moishe Shtekel, Yanky Daskal, Avrumi

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HASC XXII – Lineup and date 0

Its almost that time of year again. NO! Not Chanukah, the HASC Concert time. HASC is having their 22nd annunal concert. The lineup includes Yaakov Shwekey, Dovid Gabay, Baruch Levine, Yehuda Green.Just added to the show was Cantor Yitzhak Meir

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  Joseph Malovany has served as the Cantor of New York’s prestigious Fifth Avenue Synagogue since 1973. He holds the academic position of Distinguished Professor of Liturgical Music at Yeshiva University. He also holds the position of Dean of the

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Blue Fringe & Yaakov Chesed in concert! 0

Congregation Ramath Ohra is proud to announce “THE ROC HOUSE” 550 w. 110TH St. and Broadway. This Motzei Shabbos, Novemeber 15th, Blue Fringe and Yaakov Chesed. Tickets $16, $12 for YU, Columbia students and Ramath Orah members.

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This is pretty cool Jewish Music news. Moshe Benasher, has made his new CD, “Soul Awake” available for free. Yes, the entire CD, all 8 track for free. It’s a Piano instrumental album featuring popular Chabad Niggunim. Click here to

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Acheinu 3 0

    They’re back!!! Yochi Briskman together with the Shapiro Borhters to bring you “Acheinu 3” the Shapiro Brothers 3rd album. The album is currently being mixed. The third installment of the Shapiro Brother will include songs composed by some

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