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L’chaim Kinder 0

L’chaim Kinder presents “Refueh Shlaimah” Moishele. This is a CD/tape that comes with a beautiful book to go along with the CD. This is the first in the series Lchaim Kinder (kids). The album is just packed with talent.  Produced

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The following was translated and used with permission from Is it a interview with Chassidic Superstar AVRAHAM FRIED about a new project he has undertaken. So please enjoy and let us know what you think. When the Chassidic musical

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Sheves Chaverim Available for Pre Order Now!

Sheves Chaverim is now available for pre order on If you order before it arrives in stores you will save $2 (Regular price: $14.99, pre order price $12.99)

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MELECH RACHAMON – Keser Melicho 2 : Nigunei Bais Viznitz SAMPLER 0

Melech Rachamon is beautiful Viznitzeh album with songs by the world renowned composer R’ Nissen Yust Z"L. this album is the second in the "Kesser Melicho " series (Vol 1. was released about a year and a half ago and

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