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FOLLOWING THE STARS Lipa Schmeltzer Benny Friedman Beri Weber Yishai Lapidot & Oif Simchas Music by Sympinny Choir by Zemiros Group On Chanukah SUNDAY, December 21st, 2014 Queens College – Kupferberg Center DOORS OPEN 7:00PM, BEGINS AT 8:00PM 65-30 KISSENA

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Hooleh Hooleh 8Th Day Unity Concert

Chanukah Unity Concert Hooleh Hooleh! 8TH DAY featuring songs off their all new album “Hooleh!” Plus: Shiru Lo 4th Night of Chanukah Saturday, December 20, 2014 8:30pm, Cultural Arts Theatre Rockland Community College 145 College Road, Suffern, NY Tickets: $25,

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HASC 28 Lineup Announced!

Suki & Ding Present HASC – A Time for Music 28! Welcoming back Yaakov Shwekey, hot off the recent success of his latest hit album, “Kolot“. Joining Shwekey for the 28th Annual Jewish Music concert for Camp HASC is Abie

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Dovid Lowy: Ata Imadi – You Are With Me – Feat. Abie Rotenberg

Every once in a while a new artist comes along and makes you fall in love with Jewish music all over again. With the release of his debut album Ata Imadi, Dovid Lowy has earned a spot on that very

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Shmuel Yonah & Gil Yisraelov “Gesher Tzar”

Lyrical composer Shmuel Yonah, is considered one of the foremost composers on the Jewish music scene, and has had a number of hits. He has now pushed himself to the front of the stage with an album of all of

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Ari Goldwag Is Back With: The English Album

Ari Goldwag is back again with another album chock-full of hit songs! This time, the album is all-English. After the success of Am Echad and Yesh Tikvah (which Goldwag composed for Benny Friedman), it only made sense to continue to

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Here It Is: Nemuel & Dani Avidani “Ashreinu”

Nemuel is from a French Chabad family. He made Aliyah when he was a child, and learned in some of the best Yeshivos in Israel. With time and encouragement from his friends, he began to sing and perform at weddings

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“Ode To The Classics” – EvanAl Orchestra – A JJ Fried Production

Close your eyes and drift away. Leap from song to song on a trip down memory lane. Enjoy the brilliant orchestration that is the culmination of years of collaboration and teamwork from the group that has changed the definition of

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[FOR WOMEN & GIRLS ONLY!!] Shaindel Antelis – Invisible Official Music Video

[COLlive] Singer Shaindel Antelis has released a new music video to show the effects of bullying, based on her own experiences as a young girl. Titled “Invisible,” the video is based on Shaindel’s own experiences with bullying when she moved

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Chabad with Moshe Laufer 3 (Sampler & Photos)

A magnificent prelude, a group of singing Chassidim, sweeping rhythm, and sounds that beckon you to break out in dance. Thus begins the third album in the “Chabad with Moshe Laufer – Volume 3” series, which will be released this

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