The Legend of the Klei Yakar DVD – A Soul with a Destiny – Rebbee Hill

by yossi | November 23, 2009 10:42 am

The Legend of the Klei Yakar is set in 15th Century Europe, where wealthy and ruthless landowners rule the land with an iron fist. The peasants of the Drobsco region live in constant fear of the evil duke (Shaya Schonfeld) who is holding a local Jew, Aharon (Rebbee Hill) as prisoner. He will eventually kidnap Aharon’s only child Shlomo Ephraim (Moshe Smith/Chaim Walden). Aharon is convinced that the Neshomah (soul) of his son is destined for greatness so he enlists the help of the saintly Maharal of Prague (Rebbee Hill). Watch as the great Maharal battles against the evil sorcerer (also played by Rebbee Hill) in an epic showdown between Kedushah and Tumah, good and evil. The Legend of the Klei Yakar which was orignally produced as a classic audio CD by Rebbee Hill has noe been adapted into a feature film. In the film, Rebbee Hill creatively weaves a visual masterpiece by panning and tilting on the stunning still imagery while interlacing the moving image and special effects. This DVD will keep your children spellbound for hours. Click HERE to purchase.

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