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The third album has arrived: Naftali Abramson-Misgabrim

After investing 2 years in complete work, Naftali is finally coming out with the album we have all been waiting for, and it was definitely worth the wait.

The album “Misgabrim” of which the majority includes his own melodies, is a combination of songs from Mekoros, American rock, Irish music, Scottish music, and even a bit in the style of country music like for the Breslov niggun of Yom Zeh L’Yisrael. Abramson sings with great simcha , feeling, and neshama like in the song “Shuva Hashem” by Reb Shlomo Carlebach Zt”l. Joining Naftali are guest musicians such Aharon Razel, Chaim Dovid, and Shlomo Katz. Why Misgabrim? “Because all of life is filled with ups and downs, it’s a long road. The album takes a lot of time and work, and like life can be filled with stumbling and struggles, but in the end I was “misgaber” it, like we can all be misgaber life’s struggles”, says Naftali.

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Naftali Abramson

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