This Is How You Start A Week! Moti Goldman With A New Single “Hinei Kel”

With the start of the short Motzei Shabbos, and preparations for Pesach, Singer Moti Goldman comes out with a refreshing hit song in an innovative style. “Hinei Kel” arranged by the duo Moishe Olachov and Chaim Deitch.
“Hinei Kel” is a lively single that will put you in the atmosphere of Motzei Shabbos and fill you with new energy for the new week.
Composition: Moishe Olachov
Arrangement and musical production: Moishe Olachov and Chaim Deitch
Mixing and mastering: Chaim Moses
Recordings and technical production: Overton Studios
Cover design: Zeira
Animation: Shneur Eisenbach
Public relations: BaFront
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