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In Time For Yomim Noraim, A Beautiful New Original Avinu Malkeinu

In Time For Yomim Noraim, A Beautiful New Original Avinu Malkeinu

Hashem is limitless. So, too, are the melodies with which we praise and come close to Him. The newest version of “Avinu Malkeinu” by singer-songwriter California shliach Rabbi Yoey Muchnik is a beautiful addition to the High Holiday genre.

The soulful original melody inspires the listener to an ever deepening connection with Hashem. You can feel the yearning in the heartfelt singing by Yoey along with featured artist Yacov Young. Their harmonies are uplifting and spot on.

Always on the lookout for talented collaborators, Yoey was pleased to find Yacov re-energizing his career with his own fresh new music. Together in “Avinu Malkeinu” they have hit upon just the right tone to strike a chord in every Jewish heart.

“Avinu Malkeinu”
Composer: Yoey Muchnik
Vocals: Yoey Muchnik and Yacov Young
Production: Izzy D Studios
Cover Art: Moishe Muchnik

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