Tonight – Mincha & Maariv Sefira with Chazzan Benzion Miller, Chazzan Israel Rand & Chazzan Yaakov Motzen

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Congregation Young Israel Beth-El of Borough Park Activities Committee
Mincha & Maariv Sefira
Chazzan Benzion Miller Chazzan Israel Rand Chazzan Yaakov Motzen
accompanied by the
Y.I.B.E. Aaron Miller Memorial Choir
Directed by Shimmy Miller
May, 15th 2011 – 7:15pm
Donation $25
For tickets please call 718-435-9020 or purchase online at
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BENZION MILLERChazzan Benzion MillerChazzan Israel RandChazzan Yaakov MotzenIsrael RandMincha & Maariv SefiraShimmy MillerY.I.B.E. Aaron Miller Memorial ChoirYaakov MotzenYoung Israel Beth El Related Articles
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