by yossi | July 7, 2013 2:09 pm
World renown chazzan and singer Tzudyk released his debut album “BROTHERS/ACHIM/BREEDER” about a year and a half ago. The album was presented by Yossi Green who composed the majority of the songs, along with other compositions and arrangements by Ken Burgess, Pinky Weber, Moshe Laufer, Mona Rosenblum, Shua Fried, Menachem Bristovsky and Rafi Biton.
With the fast approaching day of Tisha B’av on which we mourn the loss of the Beis Hamikdash, Tzudyk has released a vocal edition of the song composed by Yossi Green with the words of Eicha entitled “Al Eileh“. If the emotion in the rendition of this song along with the understanding of the lyrics doesn’t move you to tears, then nothing will.
Tzudyk is currently hard at work on his second album which we hope to see on the shelves something between Chanukah and Pesach.
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