Tzvi Silberstein Releases New Album, YAALEH – Hits Stores Tomorrow!

21 November 2017 (Brooklyn, NY)
Tzvi Silberstein released his hit single Todah earlier this month alongside an uplifting music video that hit over 100K views in one week. But that success only scratched the surface of his completely innovative new album, Yaaleh – 13 tracks that will surprise and mesmerize.
Produced by Yitzy Waldner and Doni Gross, Yaaleh finds the artist experimenting with a wide range of vocal and melodic styles. The eclectic sound has something for everyone – from soft ballads to folksy rhythmic arrangements, Tzvi Silberstein clearly demonstrates that his vocal range and capabilities are achieving new heights since his debut album Simcha and his all-star album Kol Hakochavim. As the upbeat lead track Yaaleh commences, we are taken on a symphonic journey where Silberstein weaves English, Hebrew, and Yiddish to draw in his diverse Jewish audience. Don’t miss the exclusive collaboration between Tzvi and world-renowned singer Mordechai Shapiro as they sing Brachos – the harmonious duet elevates the lofty words into a new stratosphere for Jewish Music.
Available in stores and distributed via Aderet Music. Digital downloads are available through Mostly Music and Itunes.
Follow Tzvi across social media – and be the first to watch his new, visually hypnotic music video Magen Avos!
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