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Udi Ullman’s comeback – “Veyaazor Veyagen”

Udi Ullman’s comeback – “Veyaazor Veyagen”

In honor of Shavuot Udi Ullmann released the second from his upcoming album. The song “Veyaazor Veyagen” was recorded because of the major changes that are taking place in our neighboring countries and regimes not to mention the growing threats to overcome the people in Zion.

“Veyaazor Veyagen” is a song full of thanksgiving and prayer to Hashem, our savior and protector for giving us the torah and protecting the people of Israel. The word are from the torah protion of this past shabbos: “Veyaazor Veyagen Veyoshiah Lechol Hachosim Bo.”

Arrangements by: Shai Barak. Vocals recorded by: Miki Rosenbaum.
Click PLAY below to hear the song

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