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Uri Adler Releases A New Album “El U’Mitoch Ha’Ainsof”

Uri Adler Releases A New Album “El U’Mitoch Ha’Ainsof”

Uri Adler has been involved in the music and theater world for about 15 years, and has managed to put out six albums. Two of these albums are of Jewish music, two are children’s stories about Rebbe Nachman of Breslov, an album of wedding songs, and an album of old Niggunim that accompany stories.

Uri is also a famous name in the world of children. He has been involved in many children’s shows and programs. He is now working on a new story album designed specially for kids, with stories about Rebbe Nachman.

His life’s journey began in Tel Aviv. He began to search for spirituality, and after going from place to place throughout Israel, he became religious through Breslov, got married, moved to Bat Ayin, and split his time between learning in a Yeshiva and working on his music. About three years ago, he traveled to India with a friend and established a place for traveling Jews, as well as in Eilat, and takes in tourists and students who flock there in multitudes.

Uri’s full album “El U’Mitoch Ha’Ainsof“, is soon to be released, which has ten mysterious and beautiful songs that are arranged in both a traditional way, as well as somewhat more modern, influenced by Uri’s background in Tel Aviv.

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El U'Mitoch Ha'Ainsof

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