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V’hareinu – Shlomo Yehuda Rechnitz, Boruch Levine, Moshe Mendlowitz, Shira & Avrum Chaim Green

V’hareinu – Shlomo Yehuda Rechnitz, Boruch Levine, Moshe Mendlowitz, Shira & Avrum Chaim Green

This past March (כח אדר), in honor of the 200th year anniversary of Mir Yeshiva, noted askan and composer Shlomo Yehuda Rechnitz composed a new song titled “V’hareinu.” The song premiered at their dinner and was well received by the multitudes in attendance.

Before Shavuous, the song is being released with an accompanying video produced by the ever talented Yochi Briskman. The song features the beautiful voices of Baruch Levine, Moshe Mendlowitz, the harmonious Shira Choir and the angelic child soloist, Avrum Chaim Green.

The lyrics describe the day when this golus will ultimately end, and with genuine joy, we will all return to the holy Bais Hamikdash going back to the days of all of its glory. The song hums along with beautiful scenery from Yerushalayim as all of our brethren are living a “torah” life in harmony. The words of this composition are actually a tefilla, as we constantly yearn for the rebuilding of the Bayis Shlishi , the most anticipated days when the Kohanim will return to their Avodah and the Leviim will harmoniously sing their heart stirring Shira, as the rest of Klal Yisrael return to the place they all belong together, in none other than the land of our forefathers which was promised to us, Yerushalayim Ir Hakodesh.

May we be zoche to see this day speedily, bimheira beyomeinu.

Composed by: Shlomo Yehuda Rechnitz
Produced by: Yochi Briskman
Audio mixed by: Chaim Gottesman
Video Directed and Edited by:
Duvie Maryles | Revive Multimedia
Special Effects: Yonasan Klafter
New York: MD Neumann
Los Angeles: Yoni Oscherowitz
Israel: Aviv Vana
Additional Old City Footage:
Shimmy Socol
Yisroel Appelbaum
Yehuda Boltshauser & Co.

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