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New Hit Music Video from France: Yoel Dayane – Melech

New Hit Music Video from France: Yoel Dayane – Melech

Yoel Dayane is a young singer born in the paris area in 1993. His passion for music began at an early age. Having completed his studies of the piano in the prestigious conservatory system, he is currently pursuing a degree in musicology. Influenced by diverse styles of music he currently composes music which strongly expresses his Jewish education and identity. He hopes to express his gratitude to G-d for His grace and kindness through his music.

Yoel’s debut album which was just released is an event not to be missed in 2014.

A fresh new sound aimed at the youth market, we present to you his first single Melech (King) is an ode to G-d’s providence and abundant kindness to his creation.

Click PLAY below to hear the song

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Father, King
All powerful
The holy G-d of Jacob
King who is goodness and grants his favor to all day by day
He has been kind to us
His kindness is bestowed on us
His goodness is eternal

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1 comment

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  1. Asher Zemberg
    Asher Zemberg 24 January, 2014, 15:35

    wow! It’s always fun to hear how jewish music is doin all around the world. he seems to have talent and will hopefully go places. As long as he keeps the style kosher……

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