Vocalist Menashe Lichtenstein With A New Single “Ahavas Olam”
It was just a regular afternoon in London, UK. Yossi Fried had been pacing back and forth, trying to get some tunes out of his head which were stuck there for a little while. Finally he sat down at his keyboard, and a composition was created. Yossi then approached Yanky Cohen to create a demo of the song. The demo was created and then the song sat for a while like all others…
Until one day, Yossi called up Motti Gantz and had a conversation with him. While shmoozing, Yossi mentioned to Motty that he had a song laying around for a while, and he wants to know if he would give it a listen. Motti listened to the song, and was amazed right away. He then called up Menashe Lichtenstein who he knew was looking for an awesome song, and told him “I think you’re the right candidate”. Menashe listening to the demo the first time, told Motti to put a hold on the song, not for long, within days Menashe went into Motti‘s studio to record the song, and the rest was history.
Soloist: Menashe Lichtenstein
Composition: Yossi Fried
Music/Mix: Yanky Cohen
Studio: Motti Gantz @NeumanSudios
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