The Wach Family: Leilu Hu Yotza Mi’Mitzrayim

The Wach family is a family of 11 children, boys and girls who sing together. Over the course of the past 15 years, the family has released 5 albums, which had tremendous success. They are now working on their sixth album, called “Leil Avraham”. It will be an acoustic album, with 12 original compositions. As with their previous albums, the theme of the album will be about love for Eretz Yisrael and its inhabitants.
The style of the album is a soft harmony and a vocal production between the voices of the older family members and the children of the family with the talented musicians that were enlisted for the project, as well as some of the nieces and nephews being featured for the first time. The musicians on the album are Amit Yitzchak on guitar, Gilad Efrat on bass, Asaf Zamir on drums and percussion, and others. The music was produced by Eran Klein and Tzach Drori.
Now, in honor of Pesach, they are releasing the song Mi’Mitzrayim, the first taste from their upcoming album. The words come from the Hagaddah, it was composed by Golan Wach, produced by Tzach Drori, and sung by the family.
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