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(For Women Only) Camp Bnos Yisrael DVD Series now available in time for Chanukah!

(For Women Only) Camp Bnos Yisrael DVD Series now available in time for Chanukah!

From the creators of The Heart that Sings and A Light for Greytowers!

Camp Bnos Yisrael, a new DVD series for girls by acclaimed filmmaker Robin Garbose, will be available as a 3 disc box set this Chanukah. Join the girls of Camp Bnos Yisrael as they experience the joy and drama of summer camp. Meet Bracha Belsky and discover the importance of a positive attitude or Batsheva Greenbaum and tackle the awkwardness of fitting in. Learn about the pain of embarrassment as well as the greatness of true friendship. From hilarious confrontations with the great outdoors to the challenges of cliques and social pressure, each episode is packed with entertaining plots, important Torah life lessons and a lot of fantastic music!

With songs by Levi Yitzhaq Garbose, Sam Glaser and Yonatan Razel, Camp Bnos Yisrael stars Judy Winegard as Nurse Fine, Julia Blum, Rena Konar and the girls of Kol Neshama.

Includes 3 full episodes plus bonus features! Available now for Pre-order on Will arrive in time for Chanukah!

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