[World Premiere] Avraham Fried – Kama Tov SeNifgashnu
Great Chasidic singer Avraham Fried, considered one the world favorite and most respected in Jewish music, recently celebrated 30 years in Jewish music by having shows in in Israel and abroad. The encounter with the audience through the songs, had shared spiritual experiences, moments of joy, and moments of pain and sorrow. The listeners were treated to a large selection of Fried’s music.
Two years after releasing a cover of a song by Chanan Yovel, “Rak Tefilla” Fried is back in the limelight, with many people playing his albums over and over again. The full album will include 10 new songs written especially for the best writers and artists including: Amir Benayoun, Ariel Zilber, Hanan Yovel, Yoram Taharlev, Kobi Oz, David D’Or, and more ..
“Kama Tov SeNifgashnu” is the first single from the upcoming album, and is a direct continuation of the successful tour which took place in Israel last summer. It hosted a joint performance of Fried, artists and Israeli singer Boaz Sharabi, David D’Or, Hanan Yovel and others.
Lyrics: Chamutal Ben Zev. Composed by: Yuval Shtupul.
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