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WORLD PREMIERE: MBD Sings Song With Choileh Oriya Stein “Afofuni”

WORLD PREMIERE: MBD Sings Song With Choileh Oriya Stein “Afofuni”

Oriya Stein, the son of Rabbi Menachem Stein a known lecturer, has been ill for some time now. During his illness, his family has tried many remedys and mitzvos to help bring him a refuah, among other things recently they donated a sefer torah to Kever Rochel by Governor Rabbi Wolfson. A family friend Rabbi Eliezer Shuoobar from Jerusalem who is a known composer, brought Oriya in the studio with the king of chassidic music MBD to record the song “Afofuni“. The result obtained after the amazing work of Jeff Horowitz amazed and excited all who heard it. It was thrilling especially under the circumstances!

We ask that people continue to daven for the refuah of אורייה בן שושנה רייזל בתוך שאר חולי עמו ישראל!

The song was first debuted on the radio program “Saturday Night Live with Menachem Toker” which airs on Radio Kol Chai in Israel.

photo by: Lipa Stauber

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The song was originally on an album called “Hameorerim”

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Write a comment
  1. binyomin
    binyomin 12 February, 2013, 10:21

    this is an old song, it is recorded on an album called “hameorerim”

  2. jerry
    jerry 25 August, 2015, 15:55

    and the other one is only mbd

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