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Yaakov Feldstein Releases Debut Single “Shomer Hashem”

Yaakov Feldstein Releases Debut Single “Shomer Hashem”

Yaakov Feldstein an 18 year old singer-songwriter from Queens, currently in Shanna Alef in Yeshivat Sha’alvim just released his debut single yesterday called “Shomer Hashem” in Israel. This song was written at a time when Jews all over the world came together in prayer and support for their brothers and sisters in Israel. As the IDF’s Operation “Pillar of Defense” began, the somberness and shared feeling of emotional unity was tangible in the sweet Israeli air. From within the walls of a Hesder Yeshiva, it was impossible not to feel the atmosphere of concern for our soldiers and for the residents of Israel, as well as the responsibility to take action and fight the war from the Beit Midrash. Tefilot were greatly intensified, chapters of Tehillim were said, and a non-stop flow of Torah learning was

Encompassed in this prayer are the deep emotions felt particularly by those who were in Israel at the time, as well as the knowledge that some of my friends were on the border of Gaza waiting for
the green light to enter dangerous territories and protect our homeland.

This is the first of Yaakov’s songs that he professionally recorded and produced, with the help of Rav Ari Waxman, Director of the Overseas Program in Sha’alvim, who put out two albums a little over ten years ago.

The song is available as a FREE Download on

Click PLAY below to hear the single

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Composed by Yaakov Feldstein
Arranged by Yaakov Feldstein and Aryeh Dworkin
Executive Advisor: Rav Ari Waxman

Guitars, Piano, and Lead Vocals: Yaakov Feldstein
Background Vocals: Menachem Seleski
Flute: Aryeh Dworkin
Violin: Shlomo Wiznitzer
Percussion: Rabbi David Friedman

Additional Vocals: David Freilich, Elisha Hagler, Ezra Miller, and Tzvi Richter

Recorded and Mixed by Amit Golan at Super Sonic Studio, Jerusalem, Israel
Percussion Recorded by Bobby Shubowitz at Shuby’s Place, Woodmere, NY

Presented by Aviator Studios, Flushing, NY

Distributed by CD Baby

Cover Photo by Aviel Ben Yair
Cover Design by Carrol Rosenbush, Very Graphic Ink

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