Yakir Vena is back with a brand NEW single “Sod HaChayim”

by yossi | March 9, 2011 5:19 pm

Yakir Vena - Sod HaChayim

After four years of of hard work, Yakir Vena is ready to present the world with his debut album “Sod HaChayim”.

The album, includes 12 tracks of which three were singles “Kulom Beyachad” “Navit El Marom” “Machruzot Moshiach” which became hits with Breslov Chassidim.

The album includes way more hits, so be sure to pick it up.

Click Play below to hear the song

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Source URL: https://www.thejewishinsights.com/wp/yakir-vena-brand-single-sod-hachayim/