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Yaniv Ben Moshiach releases his fourth single “Ata HoAbba Ani Hayeled”

Yaniv Ben Moshiach releases his fourth single “Ata HoAbba Ani Hayeled”

After performing recently at Heichal HaTarbut, Yaniv Ben Mashiach proves that he can he can handle a major dance hit and releases his latest single, his fourth, “Ata HoAbba Ani Hayeled” just in time for the summer shows.

The song is from his upcoming album, it follows the smash hit singles “Shoneinu“, “Zeh Paam Bachaiym” and “Vacharei Kichlos Hakol” the duet with Moshe Peretz.

Lyrics: Katrin Bracha Composed by: Turk Music Production: Ilan Lev & Ilan Melamed
Click PLAY below to hear the song

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1 comment

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  1. ester cohen
    ester cohen 15 September, 2011, 20:10

    I rate Yaniv Ben Mashiach a 10! He is a very talented singer with an amazing voice… the best part about him is that he is so real and genuine when he sings. It goes out from his heart into our hearts, not too common in other singers. I happen to love arabic and turkish music. (My husband is a chazan aswell). I bless Yaniv with succsess in all that he does. “Yeshar Koach” 🙂

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