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Yehuda Green New CD “Barcheini” [Audio Sampler]

Yehuda Green New CD “Barcheini” [Audio Sampler]

Its been more than two and a half years since world renowned Yehuda Green released his last album “Peace In My Heart.” While he has been traveling and performing across the world spreading his message, the time has finally come for the release of a new album. Barcheini is Yehuda’s fourth studio album. Like its predecessors, this album features all new heartzige compositions by Yehuda himself, Reb Shlomo Carlebach and even a few other composers. The new album contains 12 songs including the hit single “Rebbe, Rebbe” which was released before the Yomim Noroim.

Barcheini should be in stores next week, and is now available for pre-order on For a little taste of the album, you can listen to the sampler below,

Click PLAY below to hear the sampler

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