by yossi | March 4, 2010 4:08 pm
Yehuda Green is about to release his brand new CD, Yearning. This CD will leave you amazed and inspired. The title track draws from Yehuda’s childhood growing up in Eretz Yisroel. The album features 12 songs including 4 brand new songs, with compositions by Yehuda Green that will outdo the success of Nishmas. The title track, a Yiddish recounting of Yehuda’s childhood in Israel was composed by Lipa Schmeltzer.
There are also 8 songs from Reb Shlomo Carlebach, including some rare gems which will leave you dancing and singing along in no time.
You can buy the CD here for $15.99 or download it (with full 20 page booklet) for only $11.99
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