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R’ Yermiah Damen & Moshe “Mona” Rosenblum With A New Album “Ledor Vedor”

R’ Yermiah Damen & Moshe “Mona” Rosenblum With A New Album “Ledor Vedor”

In honor of the Simchas Beis Belz which took place last week, R’ Yermiah Damen released a brand new album of songs which have become staples and massive hits in the world of Chassidic Music.

The new album, which is called “Ledor Vedor-40 years of Niggunim of Belz”, was arranged by legendary arranger R’ Moshe Mona Rosenblum, who himself produced some of these massive hits. Ruvi Banet also worked on some of the incredibly lively, rich arrangements as well.

One of the surprises on the album is the pairing of the young arrangers Eli Klein and Yitzy Berry, who arranged the song Ledor Vedor.

R’ Alter Meir Kalish conducted the “Belz Chassidim Choir”. R’ Yermiah Damen himself wrote five of the songs on the album, as did R’ Pinchas Friedman.

Click PLAY below to hear the song Siman Tov

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