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YideoTube to Launch New Interactive Website

YideoTube to Launch New Interactive Website

by: Yoel Weisshaus
YideoTube with the new website users will enjoy a greater social experience.
Brooklyn, NY, July 5, 2011: With the new challenges of explicit advertisement and banners on online videos, YideoTube has answered the call to host videos on their own servers. is now becoming a role model of interactive videos and music with sharing features like never before. Some of the new developments about YideoTube are:
• Uploading videos and music will now be faster than ever.
• Viewers will experience easier loading of high quality videos and music.
• Better opportunity for advertisers to reach the public and select their target audience easier.
• An advanced sharing capability, where viewers can share videos easily on social networking sites such as Facebook or Twitter.
• Independent hosting of its user content backed up by high tech security.
Since 2009, YideoTube is providing a collection of quality screened entertaining videos for the Jewish community. On their website of, visitors enjoy browsing videos of interest by the categories desired such as a religious service, education, or comedy.
YideoTube thrives in bringing together the best videos available on the World Wide Web into one place. To this point, YideoTube offers a collection of more than 10,000 videos with daily additions of new releases for over 20,000 daily-visitors.

Go check it out

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YideoTubeYoel Weisshaus

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