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Yigdal by Kol Ish (Jewish Bluegrass) – VIDEO

Yigdal by Kol Ish (Jewish Bluegrass) – VIDEO

Kol Ish is pleased to announce the release of a new original tune for Yigdal, as we marvel at the glorious world around us and spend some time on a farm. Enjoy, this catchy tune!

Yigdal is an original composition by Eliyahu Dvorin and David Lipsitz. Instrumentation by The Key Tov Orchestra ~

Bring Kol Ish and the Key Tov Orchestra to perform at your next event! Visit for more info and booking availability

Kol Ish is:
Shawn Levine, Michael Gevaryahu, Ayton Sanders, Eliyahu Dvorin, David Lipsitz, and JJ Katz

Recording, Mixing, Mastering: Steve Osterman – Race Recording, Chicago
Recording: Sean Smith – Studio Crash, Philadelphia
Videography: Adam Frey, Gabriel, Christian – Crimson Chain Productions, Frederick Maryland
Post Production: Brandon Riley – N2ition Productions, Chicago

Yigdal Elokim chai ve’yishtabach nimtza v’ein et el metsiuto.
Make greater the living God and be praised, He exists outside of time.

Echad V’ein yachid keyichudo ne’elam v’gam ein sof l’achduto.
He is one, and no other is one as He is. His oneness can not be comprehended and has no end.

Ein lo d’mut haguf v’eino guf lo na’aroch eilav kedushato.
He is without form of body or any body, we cannot compare anything to His holiness.​

Kadmon l’chol davar asher nivra rishon v’ein reishit l’reishito…
He preceded everythin​g that He made, He was the first and nothing was before Him.

Metim y’chayeh El b’rov chasdo baruch adei ad shem t’hilato.
God will impart life to the dead in His ultimate kindness,​ blessed for eternity is His praised name.

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1 comment

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  1. Ob
    Ob 17 June, 2012, 01:58

    Zweig stop putting such Garbege online . I don’t know who they r but they betta go home!

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