Yishai Ribo On The Way To His Fourth Album “Halev Sheli”

Yishai Ribo has gotten an impressive birthday present for his 30th birthday. At the end of an incredible year of accomplishments since the release of his album Shetach Afor, which went platinum and was accompanied by a massive concert in Caesaria, as well as a superb duet with the song Nafshi, and shortly before his 30th birthday, Yishai Ribo is releasing the song “Ha’Leiv Sheli.”
Ribo, whose music has reached amazing places in the world of Jewish and Israeli music, is on his way to a fourth album, which will be different from the previous three. Ha’Leiv Sheli is one of the original songs from the Slichot album that he is planning to release in Elul.
This song features guest Mark Eliyahu with the middle-eastern instrument the Kamantcha, and it was produced by Ma’Or Shoshan and Yishai Ribo.
Yishai will celebrate his 30th birthday with a concert in Binyanei Ha’Umah in Yerushalayim with guest stars Natan Goshen and Eldad Tzitrin after which he is heading to the US for a three city tour.
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