Yisroel Werdyger – Du Voint A Yid Acapella

The hit song from Yisroel Werdyger‘s new album that was released this past winter.
During this period, with everyone’s routine on a standstill and the song’s lyrics taking on a frighteningly literal meaning, Yisroel Werdyger is offering a timely twist to his theme song by recreating it in a capella style for sefirah. Distancing guidelines and shelter in places orders do not allow for a full choir ensemble as it normally would have, but its more modest version is still a treat for the soul.
Song and lyrics by: Hershy Rottenberg
Production and arrangement: Shua Fried
Choir: Yaakov Rotblatt, Motty Rotler, Sinai Bermatz, Gil Yisraelov
Children’s choir: Yiddish Nachas conducted by Moishy Kraus
Digital & PR: Bahazit
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