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Rav Hillel Palei composes a new song for Ger starring Yisroel Werdyger “Torah”

Rav Hillel Palei composes a new song for Ger starring Yisroel Werdyger “Torah”


Rabbi Hillel Paley has written many hits in Jewish music over the years, like: Shiru Lamelech, Ad Heino, Ochila Lokel and more. After a little break Paley returns to stun us yet again. This time the song is not for a superstar singer but for the chassidus of Ger.

In order to make the song more “Gerlike” who better to sing it then a Gerrer chossid and accomplished singer Yisroel Werdyger himself.  The words of the song are from the Ohr HaChayim Hakodosh on parshas Ki Sisa. “Im Hoyo Bnei Odom Margishim Bemisikus Hatorah, Hoyu Mishtagim Umislaatim Achareho.. Ki Hatorah Kolles Kol Hatoivos Shebaolam. The song is arranged by Shua Fried. Vocals recorded at MK Studios.

Click PLAY below to hear the song

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  1. EL
    EL 21 May, 2013, 23:04

    Does anyone know the perek and passuk where this Ohr Hachaim can be found? I’d like to see the words inside.

  2. EL
    EL 28 May, 2013, 21:49

    In case anyone else is wondering, I found it. It’s in devarim, perek chaf vav passuk yud alef.

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