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Yissachar Dror Releases New Single “Elul”

Yissachar Dror Releases New Single “Elul”

״אני לדודי ודודי לי״
הזמר יששכר דרור בסינגל חדש לחודש אלול, מתוך אלבום הבכורה שיראה אור בקרוב בהפקת איצי וולדנר

“I am to my beloved and my beloved is to me”
Singer Yissachar Dror is back with a brand new inspiring single for the month of Elul from his upcoming album, produced by Yitzy Waldner.

This song reminds us of the closeness we yearn and pray to have with G-D, “I am to my Beloved, and my Beloved is to me.” Elul is the month of introspection and self-reflection, in which G-D comes down to the field, anyone can approach the king in a manner unavailable to the highest ranking minister in the royal court when the king is in the palace. “Turn back to Me and I will turn back to you.” All we need is to want it.

Music Credits
Composed & Produced by Yitzy Waldner
Additional Lyrics by Yitzy Waldner
Music Arrangements – David Ichlevich
String Quartet- Jerusalem symphony
Keyboards & Programming – David Ichlevich
Drums – Amir Aharon
Guitars – Ariel Aharon
Mixed & Mastered by Aran Levi
Vocals Recorded @ Studio 6 Lakewood, NJ
Backing vocals by – Yitzy Beri, Yitzy Waldner, David Ihilevich
Cover Design: Yissachar Dror

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David IchlevichElulYissachar DrorYitzy Waldner

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