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Yitzchok Binstock – Es Ponecho Avakeish

Yitzchok Binstock – Es Ponecho Avakeish

There are many people who find themselves occasionally humming a new melody that just popped into their head. If they take the initiative, they also recorded their melody and file it away for use later on. Then there are those who go one step forward and share their special tune with others. Sometimes this song breaks all boundaries and makes a big impression so much so that it can change a person’s life.

“Es Ponecho Avakeish” the debut album from singer/composer Yitzchok Binstock is such an album. For many years throughout his life he has been composing songs and filing them away in a drawer. The compositions are different art stations including the areas: from desert landscape of the crater at Mitzpa Ramon, through Tel Aviv – the city, without stopping to view the mountain peaks Benyamin.

The songs layed in Binstock’s in a drawer for a long time, until he reached a decision. Yitzchok’s father-in-law the late Ronnie Mesuki was a man who loved music and was tragically taken from this world from a serious illness. “When my father-in-law passed away, I felt a deep desire to write a song in his memory, a song that expressed what he meant to the family” – Yitzchok recalls. The song was composed/written, and sung by the first anniversary of his death and the people who heard it rallied after Yitzchok to release his album full of his amazing songs.

The special atmosphere of Elul and the Days of Awe is felt well on the new album, two new compositions are from Mizmor Ledovid and Hashem Ori VeYishi which we start saying after davening from Rosh Chodesh Ellul. The same can be said for the song Es Ponecho Avakeish and other song that are from the tefillos on Rosh Hashanah.

The debut album will contain twelve of Yitzchok’s special compositions. So until the album is here we hope this song will help you feel what Ellul is all about.

Click PLAY below to hear the song

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Es Ponecho AvakeishYitzchok Binstock

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