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Yitzy Spinner Launches New Website!

Yitzy Spinner Launches New Website!

Yitzy Spinner just launched an all new website! Though its been 5 years since Yitzy release his debut album, he has been involved on the back end of many projects over the last few years. The website a wealth of information including covers and details on every album Yitzy has ever been involved with! (It’s quite a list!) You can also download free singles of Chasoif and the Remix of Mi Sheshikein from his debut album You And I. Of course Yitzy is working on new stuff, so bookmark the brand new website and check back often.

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Yitzy SpinnerYou And I

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1 comment

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  1. me
    me 6 November, 2012, 19:03

    it’s LOWER case you and i. See cover 😉

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