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Yoeli Klein – Ad Mo Hashem

Yoeli Klein – Ad Mo Hashem

The entire world was shocked to its core just two weeks ago at the horrifying massacre in a shul in Har Nof. Images of a blood-soaked tallis brought tears of anguish to Jews everywhere. Israeli singer Yoeli Klein (Va’Afilu B’Hastarah) together with lyricist Cheski Glick and composers Yeshaya Gross and Nachman Fuchs got together to create a song that describes even slightly, the difficult feelings we all felt.

The thrilling song “Ad Mo Hashem” combined with words from tehillim and sounds wrong impressions, Klein performs a duet with singer Moti Wiesel with the magical musical production work entrusted to arranger Yanki Cohen.

In the hope that we will get over this dark time and we continue to remember that although it might feel like Hashem is sometimes hidden from us, none the less he is always there.

Music: Yeshaya Gross (Nachman Fuchs)
Words: Chezki Glick
Saxophone: David Heller, guitars
Guitars: Yonathan Porath
Drums: Avi Avidani
Choirs: Weinberger brothers
Voice processing: Pinchas Bichlar
Studio: Michael Weinberger

Click PLAY below to hear the song

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1 comment

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  1. Yossi templer
    Yossi templer 8 December, 2014, 05:38

    Yoely you sing with such heart. in today’s dark times, this is a true inspiration for us all.
    Thanks! keep’em coming.

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