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Yonatan Shainfeld with NEW album “Na’ar Hayiti”

Yonatan Shainfeld with NEW album “Na’ar Hayiti”

Yonatan Shainfeld 2 Cover

Yonatan Shainfeld has been really busy lately. After just releasing his NEW DVD “Live In Tel Aviv” which included  two new singles, “Just do it” and “Shira Besimcha“. Now Yonatan is set to release his second album, “Na’ar Hayiti” which contains ten tracks featuring the best musicians from Israel and abroad.
Shainfeld only only 14, is a  graduate from the Israeli group Kinderlach. His solo career began half year ago with his debut album “Kulanu Yachad“. Since thenYonatan has received numerous responses and airplay on radio stations which included in a wave of shows around the world.

Below you can hear the new single single “UvTuvo Hagadol” off the new album.

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