Yonatan Shainfeld And The Piano DVD

Yonatan Shainfeld And The Piano is a brand new DVD being released in just days.
As mentioned, during Chanukah will be the launch of the musical “Shirim V’niflois” in which Yonatan Shainfeld is one of the features stars/performers alongside; Ohad, Kinderlach, Yishai Lapidot, Danahiel Ahaviel & Itzik Dadya.
Wunderkind Yonatan Shainfeld didn’t rest while preparing for the show, instead he went to work on his latest project “Yonatan Shainfeld and the Piano”
Disk one of the DVD features Amiran Dvir, the Kinderlach and Itzik Dadya.
The second disc will include various songs from a CD audio Gad Elbaz, Amen A’kinor, violinist Daniel Ahaviel, and Itzik Dadya.
With the launch of this new DVD, we present to you our readers with the single “Just Do It” re-arranged as a piano duet version with Amiran Dvir.
The “Shirim V’niflois” show will also feature Yonatan performing a song or two during the performance of new versions …
Click PLAY below to hear the song
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CD and DVD in stores!!
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