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Young Israel Synagogue of Manhattan 32st Annunal Concert starring Avraham Fried, Shloime Dachs and Yacov Young

Young Israel Synagogue of Manhattan 32st Annunal Concert starring Avraham Fried, Shloime Dachs and Yacov Young

32nd concert flyer.sig

Young Israel Synagogue of Manhattan 32st Annunal Concert





muisc by the

Shloime Dachs Orchestras

Saturday Night Febuary 5th, 2010 – 8:30pm

Seward Park High School

350 Grand Street, NYC

Tickets: Benefactor $125, Patron $100, Supporter $90, Friend $75, Sponsor $60, Orchestra $36*

*A$^ discound is available for tickets purchased before January 24th, 2011

To order tickets or for more information please call

212-732-0966 (daytime)   212-460-9450 (evenings)

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Avraham FriedShloime DachsYacov Young

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