Zalmy Schreiber – Yearning Niggun (Shabbos and Yom Tov)

Singer and pianist Zalmy Schreiber has produced a vibrant and soothing rendition of the Niggun Gagguim (Yearning) L’Shabbos V’Yom Tov. The Niggun is sung in many Shuls around the world after Yedid Nefesh on Friday evenings.
As described in Chabad’s Sefer HaNiggunim, the Niggun has three distinct parts, each section capturing a different facet of introspective expression and intense longing for heightened spiritual elevation.
This is a Niggun rich with complexities – balancing the yearning to continuously improve, while simultaneously remaining grounded in the joy of the moment. As a reflection of his love for the inherent holiness of the Niggun, Zalmy has remained true to the original melody while creating a new musical arrangement to further enhance the listener’s experience.
May Hashem bless us all with the tools and courage to embrace our aspirational yearnings while recognizing and celebrating our honest successes.
Follow Zalmy on Instagram @Zalmyschreiber and get his number there for bookings.
Music: Zalmy Schreiber
Vocal recording: Havayah Records Studio
Mixing: Ian Freiter – Playmaster Studios
Photography: Levi Teitelbaum @Ellteephoto
Graphic Design: Sarah Leibowitz
Marketing: Sruly Mayer
Life: Hashem
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