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Zeira Returns With A New Single “Darashti”

Zeira Returns With A New Single “Darashti”

In every place, in every situation, in every desire, in every pull on the 

heartstrings, there is a search of the soul for closeness to G-d

Zeira and Zeira Halevi are the artistic names of Shmuel Tarko.‬‎

Zeira in Aramaic means small. It’s a reminder for each individual to reach beyond mochin dekatnus, (an Aramaic term that refers to our limited perception of ourselves as flawed humans), and strive to recognize and operate from our infinite divinity
Shmuel learned music and chazanus in the Tel Aviv Cantorial Institute (TACI) under the esteemed guidance of maestro Naftali Hershtik.
Shmuel sang internationally along with the  Hallelu choir of Bet Shemesh for 7 years.

Shmuel feels strongly about his life mission as an educator and mentor to children of all ages, connecting on a personal level to each one and helping them see  their own divine spark And looking forward to singing shortly with his levi brothers in the Beis Hamikdash.

Shmuel currently lives in Ramat Bet Shemesh along with his wife and 6 children.

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