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Zrilly Werzberger Is Back With Another Energetic Dance Track: “Track 2”

Zrilly Werzberger Is Back With Another Energetic Dance Track: “Track 2”

Last year, Zrilly Werzberger released ‘The Track’ and the feedback was beyond words, there’s nothing like a track filled with pure Simcha.

So guess what?!

We’re back with Track 2, 

More music, more energy and more Simcha!

Listen. Dance. Repeat.


Concept & Sung by: Zrilly Wertzberger

Project Management: SolBlum Media

Music by Srulik & Moshe Mendelsohn

Choir: David Taub

Vocals recorded at: Edgeware Studios

Mixed By: Yanky Cohen

Cover Design & Animation: VigiGee

Marketing: SolBlum Media

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Track 2Zrilly Werzberger

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